was breathing hard. No one had ever known this
mood in the little fieldmouse and the crowd
gasped and wondered at the outcome. Twit's teeth
flashed as he bared them and he put up his fist.
oughtn't to have done that," he shouted,
trembling with emotion. "Try it again and
I'll do fer you."
The Crystal Prison
Master William
Scuttle (Twit) The good natured fieldmouse was
born on the 14th of May in the land of Fennywolde,
to the delight of Gladwin and Elijah - his parents.
When he was young, William's sweet, trusting
temperament was mistaken by others for foolishness.
Fennywolders believed he had "no cheese upstairs"
and considered him to be a simpleton, even calling
him by the unkind nickname, "Twit".
he was given the Sign of the Fieldmouse, William
received no more respect and so he decided to
prove his worth by going to visit his mother's
kin in Deptford.
he met his cousin Oswald and greatly enjoyed
the company of the Brown family, especially
Audrey whom he secretly grew to love. It was
he whom the bats, Orfeo and Eldritch, desired
to speak with. Then they flew him out over Deptford
and to the Cutty Sark where he
encountered the retired midshipmouse, Thomas
Triton. William was a dead ringer for Thomas'
long lost companion, Woodget Pipple, and so
the midshipmouse took to him immediately and
they became firm friends.
Master Scuttle returned to Fennywolde, he faced
many more dangers and finally earned the respect
of the other fieldmice. Now he reigns there
as King of the Field but has vowed to return
to Deptford one day to visit his friends. His
perils are far from over, one final ghastly
decision awaits him before the end.