considered Akkikuyu. "Well, my mouselet,
there is nothing that can protect you from Jupiter.
Rat god will have you; so sad for one so young."
She kicked the glowing embers off the ledge
into the water below...'
The Dark Portal
The fortune teller was born in Morocco under
Sign of the Vagabond,
according to the Rat Zodiac,
and was never content
remaining in any one place for too long.
her youth, Akkikuyu, or Kiku as she was sometimes
called, was a pretty rat maiden and turned the
heads of many foul flea bags.
For a
short while she worked in the low Singapore
den known as the Lotus parlour, under the watchful
eye of Ma Skillet.
when Simoon the prophet was overwhelmed by the
High Priest of Sarpedon, she stole his belongings
and took up the career of fortune teller. Eventually
her paths led her to Deptford where at last
she experienced true clairvoyance but was driven
out of her mind by the terror of Jupiter.
destiny however was entwined with that of Audrey
Brown and together they travelled to Fennywolde.
There Madame Akkikuyu was hailed as a heroine
by the fieldmice but she was secretly tormented
by the voice of Nicodemus, a spirit trapped
in limbo.
Akkikuyu ever wanted was to run away with Audrey
and find rest in the summer sunlight. It was
a wish which was eventually granted but at a
terrible cost to herself.
The mice of Fennywolde have never forgotten